2010 FIFA World Cup™ Kick-Off Celebration Concert Preview Soccer Football Futbol Alicia Keys John Legend Shakira Black Eyed Peas BLK JKS Parlotones K’naan Juanes South Africa, Argentina , Algeria,Australia,Brazil,Denmark,Cameroon,Chile,Cotedlovre,England,France,Korea DPR,Germany,Greece,Ghana,Honduras,Italy,Japan, Korea Republic Mexico Netherland Newzeland Nigeria, Paraguay, portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, switzerland, United States ,Serbia and Uruguay Cocierto de la copa del mundo 2010 الاحتفالات بفتتاح كاس العالم في جنوب افريقيا الفيافا موسيقى Copa del Mundo de Sudáfrica 2010.Coppa del Mondo 2010.Entire world Cup 2010 South Africa.WM 2010 in Südafrika.كأس العالم 2010 في جنوب أفريقيا.Afrique du Sud Coupe du Monde 2010.Copa do Mundo 2010 África do Sul Will.I.Am, Fergie, Taboo and Apl.De.Ap
2: 34 “SMASH!” ^^ she cries smash and he shows with his finger a strange thing…
fergie cant sing
@Kanjaru me too I was in Thailand drinking beer poking chicks and watching the world cup though not in that order.
lets do do it and do it
Fergie sure does put a lot into her performances….
@Scotty4492 I’m not mad, nor am I “fuckin retarded”, so you can climb down off that high horse! LMAO … BTW why in the hell do you like to try to piss people off on the internet? Sounds to me like you need to get out more…..
@luvmyabsolute your hilarious, your doing exactly what i like to see, people get so fuckin mad over the internet like have you realized im trying to make you mad or are you just that plain fuckin retarded
@Scotty4492 I was browsing through videos to give them the benefit of the doubt and see if ALL their concerts are usually as shitty as super bowl…I don’t owe you can explanation as to why I was looking at this video. I am not going to argue with you because everyone has an opinion and I was just MAKING a VALID observation about you saying they are “older” and thats a lame ass excuse as to why they can’t perform, if thats the case they should retire!
@luvmyabsolute dude look at the title, this isnt the super bowl vid, now i know how much of a fuckin idiot you actually are, no no one should ever believe your shitty observations
@Scotty4492 because I heard how much they sucked at the super bowl and I was looking up the video to see exactly HOW bad it was……It was bad! At least Green Day plays their own music, they are REAL talent, hell I can dance stupid to some music and use voice changers and sing…anyone pretty much can do this “music”….
@luvmyabsolute why are you on this video then if you think this music is shitty in the first place? Just sayin i would never go on a Faggit ass Green Day Video
@Scotty4492 Oh yeah, you listen to THIS shitty music!!!! okay I get it now…way to suck at life =:)
no i cant
but she cant either and she is earning shitloads of money on a thing she cant deliver
maybe i should try it to….i have humps! , no voice , but i have humps!!
fuck that crap
@majaazdaja123 ok you go up on stage then, and lets see if you can do better
@luvmyabsolute sorry i dont listen to that shitty music
Fergie still sounds horrible!
@Scotty4492 two words for you GREEN DAY!!!! =:) Billie Joe Is older than them and STILL acts and sounds the same on stage, so age has nothing to do with it!
well if she cant pull it out anymore , she should give mic to someone that can and check out retirement homes
people have to rememberr that they are getting old, they are not 20 any more, they have been around since 1995, fergie herself is coming up on 36 or so and remember the song shut up, listen to that live back in 2004 and tell me they suck live
SHE CAN’T SING AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@nicoskate10 no cantan igual, se ve qe la voz es diferente, mucho, pierden el encanto en vivoo!!! Yo no tengo nada en su contra si io amo su musicaa, pero en directo no me gustan, buenoo la chica se salvaa porque canta bien pero los chicos….
me cargan todos ustede si le gusta la cancion opine bien sobre ella el tiene 24 negativo si no les gusta no voten y vean el video y punto pero uno no apoya el esfuerzo black eyed peas es un buen grupo pero no estoy loko por ello
@amor1714 canta igulito
sabi o no de musica
you say they suck live ? why can you do better ?