Lviv. Euro 2012.

Video about historical past and presence of Lviv, abut the way our metropolis goes and milestones it passes. It`s also a welcome video for these who have by no means been to Lviv, or just stay in other spot to see the attractiveness of Lviv, and feel the environment of historical-modern day city. Specific greeting from city Mayor to Michel Platini!
Video Rating: four / five

25 replies on “Lviv. Euro 2012.”

  1. Another thing most of the buildings in Lviv are Austrian. Lviv was SINCE THE BEGINNING Ukrainian and IS NOW UKRAINIAN AGAIN. Soul of this city is Ukrainian, but anybody (including not ignorant Poles) are welcome to it.

    God…what is with you Poles? Lviv not Lwow, read it on the map

  2. @Zvonimir4ervenko Jesteś ukraińcem niemcem czy ruskiem bo z tego co widzę to piszesz jak ruski agent prubujący nas skłucić z ukraińcami

  3. @Zvonimir4ervenko Niemcy jeszcze Ci nie zapłacili a już ssiesz fiuta jak rasowa dziwka, twój dziadek był w czerwonej armii? może to któryś z tych którzy srali na ulicach bo nie znali wychodka:D

  4. @browarman And ask your grandmother yourself how many German soldiers had fucked her hahaha, and ask your grandfather how many Soviet soldiers had fucked him too hahahaha

  5. @browarman Jaki do dupy Mieszko-Pośmieszko! Oddawna jeszcze do twego Pośmieszki ziemia ta należała
    do plemion Niemieckich. Tak więc masz ssać huja po raz drugi hahaha. I powtarzam – to polish up the Irish, British and German asses is your Polish historical mission hahaha

  6. @Zvonimir4ervenko
    Гитлер капут, хенде-хох айн-цвай-драй. Фашист недойобаний. Hitler kaput!

  7. щя…только евро 2012проведём и забирайте Львов!;)))))а следом и Харьков…та всё забирайте,вместе с долгами НАШЕГО правительства!))))))))))))

  8. @Zvonimir4ervenko ojoj niemcowi zajebali parę miast hahaha, ask your grandmother how many soviet solders fucked her. Wierze że uda nam się wspólnie przeprowadzić tą imprezę i nawet takie plugawe niemieckie bydło nam w tym nie przeszodzi a miasta które ta niemiecka dziwka wymienia były polskie już od Mieszka I

  9. @Zeciarz1Powrot
    Tylko po powrocie do Niemiec Oppelna a całego Śląska! A do tego czasu będziesz ssać huja! hahaha!

  10. Schwienenbande die polnische! Krakau, Posen, Stettin, Danzig, Breslau, Swinemünde, Kolberg, Gotenhafen, Litzmannstadt, Kattowitz, Grünberg in Schlesien, Königshütte, Waldenburg, Bromberg, Köslin, Thorn, Oppeln, Elbing, Marienburg, Hindenburg O.S., Beuthen O.S, Landsberg an der Warthe, Bartenstein, Braunsberg – why dont you give back the eastern German lands which you stole, schmutzigen polnischen Makaken?!!!! To clean up Irish cowsheds and cesspooles is your primary historical mission!hahaha!

  11. Pff … more money must be spent to repair this city than it is worth… Calmd down

  12. woooow

    My friend’s howetown

    Greeting from Saudi Arabia to you,, Roma

  13. Lviv was the capital of Galicko-Volinky voevodstvo(admin. region). The first ruler or knyaz. who found Lviv was Danylo Galickiy after whom the region was named. it was found within the Kievska Rus borders and the ruler of the city was picked by the Veliky Knyaz Kievsky (king). It is true that the city for a long time belonged to the Polish empire Rich Pospolita and played a major role in it. But the city is still of Ukrainian origin. Nevertheless, for its beauty it should be thankful to Pols.

  14. оооооооо, началась делёжка.
    Современный Львов – это Украина и точка!

  15. Lviv – Polish city 4ever !!!! -))))) so KRAKOV is MONGOLIAN!!! Lviv was founded by DANILO GALICKIY – king of west russian lands. fuck off stinky poolacks!!!

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