SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER ACCOUNT Be sure to: www.youtube.com tha title says it all MVP has a new finisher that is referred to as play of the day or 305 and he used it on the match involving him and luke gallows
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SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER ACCOUNT Be sure to: www.youtube.com tha title says it all MVP has a new finisher that is referred to as play of the day or 305 and he used it on the match involving him and luke gallows
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MVP is the best
it is paydirt by shelton benjamen but mvp copied it
@XiaoDengLi so are yer moms titties
@ELLIOT1311 he’s gone for a float about in japan
where has mvp gone
@XiaoDengLi Before u give stupid answer like tis get ur fking facts right
WWE is entertainment purpose so wads its fake????
Some other show are fake 2
Matt Striker was the worst announcer! He made up a name for every move it was annoying as shittt! it was like a 10 year old on commentary!
didn’t elix skipper have his finisher called the play of the day, which was actually the same as the playmaker (overdrive)??
The play of the day sounds like a commercial youd see right after the NFL
the what’s up > play of the day
@crunchzor no he’s not retired wwe wasn’t using him so he left, MVP is going to new japan pro wrestling!
So why did MVP leave? Retired or moving somewhere else?
Matt Striker is right, Serena is hot.
@Christianityization he asked to leave
The Play of The Day was first used by Shelton Benjamin called the Pay Dirt, then after Shelton got released M.V.P. took the move and named it The Play of The Day, AND Then M.V.P. asked for his release where R-Truth started using it and its called the Whats Up. Im goin to edit what StalwartPerception said now;
R-Truth: yo MVP, Shelton
MVP: whats up
Shelton: yo
R-Truth: watch my match
MVP: ok
Shelton: ok
R-Truth: Whats Up / Pay Dirt / Play of The Day
MVP & Shelton: WTF!!!
@Bobertawesomeful yes it call the 305 b4 tat it was call the play of the day it only call 305 after mvp change song
@JYC316 I’m not sure but all I know is that elix skipper used it in tna when he was there and wwe stole it
@axil56 ha ah legend 🙂
R-Truth uses it sometimes on RAW
the paydirt – another thing MVP has stolen lol that’s a jk before people start bitchin
@blipoo98 isnt that pay dirt by shelton benjamin
Shelton benjamin must be why mvp had to release stealing the paydirt lol