25 replies on “Shakira Waka Waka, time for Africa) Original Version .”

  1. @itstopcatbitch
    “i can feel your angry and Frustration”
    –I’m dumbfounded and flabbergasted, not angry or frustrated, that people can live without thinking.
    “your comments are dumb for a 40ish man”
    –Whatever that means.
    “there are dumb people world wide”
    –Why are you so bigoted aginst Africans??? Racist!
    See how easy that was? That’s what I get when I speak the truth, especially when it hurts.

  2. @NoGuff “Rhetorical” man..i aint that dumb i can feel your angry and Frustration
    However again i did not think for 1 bit that Americans are dumb even my entire life man..you Brought this topic up yourself honestly! but your comments are dumb for a 40ish man to be honest there are dumb people world wide! i bet you didnt know that 🙂 hahaha im not going to swear at ya coz i have RESPECT for my elders peace and get that silly thought of your mind.

  3. @itstopcatbitch
    “i was responding to”
    –Ummm…. yes, I know.
    “If the games were held in the USA”
    –Umm… no, that’s my whole fucking point. Are you usually this slow?
    “why ask a such silly question”
    –Because it’s RHETORICAL you dip-shit. Damn. And you people always say Americans are the stupid ones. This proves otherwise.
    “i did not statued anything about Americans being dumb”
    –But I bet you believed it, & others like you say it all the time. Its the typical Liberal European mantra.

  4. @NoGuff i was responding to this “Yes, “time for Africa.”
    One question: If the games were held in the USA, would pop singers make a song and music video called “it’s time for America?” what would anyone say if they read it? you are 48 yet you have this childish question which is naive and ignorant.if you knew/ why ask a such silly question? you know better old man you can do better then this.and the Original Version has a meaning however i did not statued anything about Americans being dumb

  5. @itstopcatbitch
    “coz it was held in Africa for the first time ever”
    –No shit.
    “ignorant naive what?”
    –I’m not ignorant if I know what its about. And I’m not naive if I see it for what it is. I’m trying to make the point that the only reason this song was made (and the big deal) is because of Political Correctness, nothing more. Its empty, it has no meaning, it is for naught. Do YOU understand now that I have to spell it out for you, ass-WIPE?
    Wow, and you all think Americans are dumb.

  6. @NoGuff it was called its ‘time for Africa” coz it was held in Africa for the first time ever! and maybe never again thats why its Africa’s time or turn oh my god why do you have to be soooooo i dont kno even what to call you…. ignorant naive what? sooo keep up the hate asswape!


  8. Yes, what a great success those games were. People from all over the world came together to watch sporting events, and were practically driven to drinking, murder, or suicide by the endless droning of stupid and annoying people blowing stupid and annoying horns for hours and hours without end.
    Yes, “time for Africa.”
    One question: If the games were held in the USA, would pop singers make a song and music video called “it’s time for America?”

  9. It’s still in Rio, In Amsterdam …..Samba Time.
    The lion is still hungry……… Roarrrrrrrrrrrr

    Watch : Arriba Arriba Holanda , Hup Holland Hup , Go Holland Go, Arriba Arriba Holanda

  10. Watch : Arriba Olanda

    Sushie night in Amsterdam, noche de sushie en Amsterdam

  11. Watch : Arriba Arriba Holanda , Hup Holland Hup , Go Holland Go, Arriba Arriba Holanda.

    Holland Kampioeneeeeeee

  12. Watch : Arriba Arriba Holanda , Hup Holland Hup , Go Holland Go, Arriba Arriba Holanda.

    Hollanda Kampioeneeeee

  13. This video came out in 1980’s and that’s the reason the quality is not very good. Still, it’s one of the best to come out of Africa.

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