Haha I know. I am having my A level exams and I totally missed like a whole month of videos. :p
best intro <3
I wouldn’t trust “the triangle of life” in an earthquake. It only applies in a complete structural collapse or “pancake collapse” which is very uncommon in developed countries. Most people are killed from falling debris, and then the good old “duck and cover” is the way to go
earthquakesolutions *dot* com/id44 *dot* html
best intro ever!!
chick in the intro is hot.
Awesome intro
Im so happy I’m not the only one that has at least a month worth of vlogs to catch up to:) I’ve been so busy with school, its the last last month so were getting bombarded with homework and projects. I’m not alone!!!
I remember the candle vlog!!
Likin’ dat intro!!!
Amazing intro!
@MrAtifz Me. Too.
My favorite intro <3
Hi. I love you. Baby. Rock <3
@jonnyskim you must be new…
2:06 my parents do that all the time XD so funny
this is the coolest intro ever! I love it! why did you stop using it Shay!?
i remember that ha ive been a shaytard fan watcher for a very long time
Instead if picking up a crapload of bottled water, buy/rent a water cooler from a company and sign up w/ them to deliver water to you monthly, like crystal waters. That’s what i have & it’s 10x easier.
you were singing Blitzkrieg Bop by The Ramones =)
Not sure if Mommytard’s email is necessarily true or not but that was always my thought process as a kid when I was told what to do during an earthquake. Glad someone who wasn’t eight took the time and did some research on it!
lol princesstard awkward
Haha I know. I am having my A level exams and I totally missed like a whole month of videos. :p
best intro <3
I wouldn’t trust “the triangle of life” in an earthquake. It only applies in a complete structural collapse or “pancake collapse” which is very uncommon in developed countries. Most people are killed from falling debris, and then the good old “duck and cover” is the way to go
earthquakesolutions *dot* com/id44 *dot* html
best intro ever!!

chick in the intro is hot.
Awesome intro
Im so happy I’m not the only one that has at least a month worth of vlogs to catch up to:) I’ve been so busy with school, its the last last month so were getting bombarded with homework and projects. I’m not alone!!!
I remember the candle vlog!!

Likin’ dat intro!!!
Amazing intro!
@MrAtifz Me. Too.
My favorite intro <3
Hi. I love you. Baby. Rock <3
@jonnyskim you must be new…
2:06 my parents do that all the time XD so funny
this is the coolest intro ever! I love it! why did you stop using it Shay!?
i remember that ha ive been a shaytard fan watcher for a very long time
116 people left there emails and got spam
Instead if picking up a crapload of bottled water, buy/rent a water cooler from a company and sign up w/ them to deliver water to you monthly, like crystal waters. That’s what i have & it’s 10x easier.
you were singing Blitzkrieg Bop by The Ramones =)
Not sure if Mommytard’s email is necessarily true or not but that was always my thought process as a kid when I was told what to do during an earthquake. Glad someone who wasn’t eight took the time and did some research on it!