Gameplay By Dakave and JEDIOBEWAN from CoTToNKaVe! THE FAILING Wasn’t THE KINECT IT WAS US Because OF OUR LACK OF Ability! Due to the fact KINECT IS Brilliant I Propose YOU GET IT!!! NNNNOOOOOWWWWW!!!!
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All the Soccer games on UK TV
Gameplay By Dakave and JEDIOBEWAN from CoTToNKaVe! THE FAILING Wasn’t THE KINECT IT WAS US Because OF OUR LACK OF Ability! Due to the fact KINECT IS Brilliant I Propose YOU GET IT!!! NNNNOOOOOWWWWW!!!!
Video Rating: four / five
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@GhostOnline133 50mph are you stupid and real football is what you see here not NFL
I found a great site where you can get free points and it only takes 30 seconds.
actionmspoints . com/ 33036 / EN
(Remove the spaces)
Lol, wow, the most redneck, ignorant american you can find. Haha, enjoy living the stereotypes.
@molly26ful wow, that’s quite an argument.
@molly26ful all european soccer players are fags who cry baby about everything. ooh my foot got stepped on im gonna cry and scream about it and fall down and complain when i dont get a call. lets see one of those fags come over here and play real football and get tackled with someone running at them at 50 mph or w/e the conversion is in kilometers. wtf is up with all the wankers, in general. stupid europeans stfu and eat ur fish and chips and dont worry about the condition of your teeth at all
@anthony15601 thank you at least some people agree with me that AMERICAN FOOTBALL is bettr than that gay sport “soccer.”
@GhostClan101 i think that was 1 of the ppl in the audience
@superalphahunter shut up who fucking cares!!
ps3 suckssssssssssssss
@denyingtrout0 OOOOOOO, Kinky aidan. Stand up for soccer!
@superalphahunter you fucking retard. American ‘handball’ is fun but real FOOTBALL is the worlds best fucking game so piss the fuck off you troll
am getting kinect in two days. soo excited!
tip for this: when it gives you a chance to shoot, wait there and another player will foul you and you will get a free kick! dont have this game played it at friends house. i think this only works on beginner
@molly26ful u know what fuk u ,american football is way better than that shitttttyyyy sport u bloody “ENGLANDS”rugby. “FOOTBALL ( u smelly englands call soccer ) is the GAYEST SHITTIIESTT SPOSPORT KNOWN TO MAN KINDand any other american will agree with me that GREAT AMERICAN FOOTBALL is way better. so go suck “mums” ,grand mothers tits SO FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK UUUUUUUUUUU.and one more thing what is wrong with ENGLISH people in general?
@molly26ful u know what fuk u ,american football is way better than that shitttttyyyy sport u bloody “ENGLANDS”rugby. “FOOTBALL ( u smelly englands call soccer ) is the GAYEST SHITTIIESTT SPOSPORT KNOWN TO MAN KINDand any other american will agree with me that GREAT AMERICAN FOOTBALL is way better. so go suck “mums” ,grand mothers tits SO FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK UUUUUUUUUUU.and one more thing what is wrong with ENGLISH people in genral?
@superalphahunter american football is shit, just like all americans. why the hell do u call it FOOTball when u can use ur HANDS as well? in ENGLAND we call it FOOTball because we use our FEET. American football is just a shittier version of RUGBY. and wtf is up with SOCCER? infact, wtf is up with AMERICANS in general?
@anthony15601 u mean the boring, stoppage infested pile of shit that American Football is?? its basically just shit Rugby, no wonder its restricted to Northen America, cus its too fucking boring for the rest of the world to watch. people should be asking why football videos are being clogged up with loser american football videos
omfg. stupid canadians or wutever cloud up youtube with soccer. im looking for actuall football the awesome american sport
please remove the soccer from your title.
this is the best sensor movement of the generetion I play WII and this.
man this is gay they should make an actual game 4 kinect to where u can play american FOOTBALL
robert green at 2.00
Thumbs up if you like Elvis
thats me Jediobewan
2:50 It’s a bird!!! Look at the goal… That’s why he says “what the hell”.